Category Archives: Employment Communication

The Future of Communication: Augmented Writing

This is the fourth post in a series about technologies that are shaping the future of communication. We’ve been following technologies that cover an interesting array of possibilities, from enhancing existing communication modes to replacing at least one of the humans in a conversation to assisting people who have a variety of motor, vision, and […]

Teachable Moments with Infographic Résumés

Infographic résumés are getting a lot of buzz these days. We cover them in all three of our business communication textbooks and provide a variety of examples via our Real-Time Updates and Business Communication Headline News services. In certain situations, a well-designed infographic résumé used at the right point in the job application process can be […]

Starting the New Term: A Great Time for Students to Hone Their Networking Skills

We’re pleased to be joining you for another year of sharing business communication tips and techniques. With many students looking ahead to the job-search process, this is a great time to discuss professional networking. Networking is a multi-purpose learning tool because it combines so many important business communication skills, from conducting research and adopting the […]

A Few Flickers of Hope in Employment-Related Communication

The sluggish job market isn't going to reignite overnight, but we have recently noticed a few positive communication developments that could eventually help more qualified candidates land the jobs they want. 1. The growing realization that auto-screening applicants is not automatically a good idea When companies complain they can't find qualified applicants for unfilled openings […]

Employment References: Automated, Anonymous Reference Checks Are Changing the Game

Employment references have been one of the more volatile areas of business communication in recent years, and the situation is often frustrating for everyone involved. With the threat of lawsuits over negative references, many employers now offer nothing more than confirmation of dates of employment. On the other side of the equation, recruiters are frustrated […]

Employment Communication: Four Essential Steps to Building a Personal Brand

If you teach employment communication and job search strategies as part of the business communication course, personal branding can be a great way to help students understand what they have to offer future employers and how to focus their communication efforts. Even though personal branding is a hot topic these days, more than a few […]