Bovée & Thill Textbooks

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16th Edition, by Bovée & Thill
Winner of the Textbook & Academic Authors Association
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14th Edition, by Thill & Bovée
Winner of the Textbook & Academic Authors Association
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8th Edition, by Bovée & Thill
A Special Message for Users of Business Communication Essentials
If you currently use or have been considering Business Communication Essentials (BCE) , we're pleased to let you know that you can switch to our Excellence in Business Communication (EBC) text (see above) and get significantly updated coverage of the same topics at the same price for your students. EBC14e has our latest coverage of social media, inclusive communication, and other vital subjects, along with all the student activities and assessments you may have been using in BCE.
Order an examination copy of Bovee and Thill's best-selling Introduction to Business textbook, Business in Action.
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Business Communication Textbooks in Canada
6th Canadian Edition
Thill, Bovee, Keller, and Moran
5th Canadian Edition
Bovee, Thill, and Schribner